Here you will find a list of the most common and important questions about polygraphs, loyalty tests, lie detectors and our work …
- How does a lie detector test work?
- Is it possible to take a lie detector test at home?
- For what purposes are lie detector tests used?
- How safe is a lie detector test?
- Is it possible to repeat a test for safety reasons?
- Can you trick or manipulate a lie detector?
- Loyalty test, lie detector test
- Loyalty test decoy
- How much does a lie detector test cost?
- Credibility report
- Lie detector test by phone
- Can you take a lie detector test yourself?
- Can you cheat a lie detector test?
- Rent a lie detector
- Lie detector test near you
- Lie detector test in court
In our society we rarely get along without lying. However, we strictly differentiate between little white lies to avoid hurting someone and evil lies to deceive someone. When it comes to infidelity, infidelity, character assassination or theft, then the fun finally stops. We also deal with cases in which someone is confronted with accusations and can credibly prove their own innocence through a polygraph test.